
This guide is intended to document the processes and workflows to maintain and update the BCC website. It includes suggestions to streamline the long and complicated process and minimize the time spent. It includes the following assumptions: 

- The viewpoint is that of an individual covering all tasks. It is possible to "farm out" to multiple editors. For example, for a time, the creation of PDF scores was provided by an individual not directly involved in website updating.

- Software is, in some cases, specific to a Windows desktop environment only. No attempt has been made to choose operating system agnostic software. 

- File names and dates follow SI Metric conventions, left justified digital naming and are somewhat restricted by the specific software being used (e.g. SiteApex hyphen delimited file naming convention: a typical SiteApex webpage name - i.e. a-typical-siteapex-file.html).

- Long user-created filenames and titles typically use camel-back nomenclature and use stubs and their  expansions for clarity.