2015/16 Season
- Events & Notices -
Jun. 22, 2015 Annual General Meeting 5:00 pm
Aug. 26, 2015 Fall Semester Begins Choir Registration & First Rehearsal 7:00 pm
Oct. 3, 2015 Last Night at the Proms Brockville Arts Centre 7:30 pm Tickets: $23.50
Nov. 20, 2015 War & Peace Concert
Review of War and Peace St. Francis Xavier Church Brockville 7:30 pm
Dec. 20, 2015 Sing-A-Long Messiah
Wall St. United Church 3:00 pm
Jan. 13, 2016 Spring Semester Begins
March 24, 2016 Brockville & Area Music and Performing Arts Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Brockville Arts Centre 7:00 pm Free admission
May 14, 2016 From Broadway with Love
First Presbyterian Church 7:30 pm
Click here for our Choir Brochure 2015/16
- 2014/2015 SEASON -
The Choir gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following patrons:
Schubert $250 – 499
Gerry & Jan Ashe, Marsha & Ardis Lindsay, Marilyn & Peter White, James McDonald & Michelle Arsenault
Brahms $100 – 249
Andrew Blackery, Christina McCarthy, Jamie & Sue Hynd, Lois C. Davidson, Denise Bowes, Muv & Alun Jenkins, Ken & Beth MacNeil, Greg Best, Don Farnsworth, Michael J. O’Shaughnessy, Dr. Diane MacGillis, Charlotte Patterson, Judith Caldwell in Memory of Geoffrey Caldwell, Canarm Ltd., Beattie Dodge, Boardwalk Dental Clinic, M.I.E. Autobody & Collision, Shoppers Drug Mart - King St., Trillium Health Care Products Inc., Canadian Tire – Catherine & Bill Deplaedt, Hammond-Osborne Barristers & Solicitors Procter & Gamble Inc.
Verdi $50 – 99
Edwina Lee Fort, Ron Noseworthy, Patricia Whiting, Henderson Johnston Fournier
Haydn < $50
Riet Van Brenk, Irwin Schulz, Metro, Buell St. Bistro
The Brockville Community Choir is a registered charitable organization. Reg.# 140755919RR0001
- 2015/2016 SEASON -
Choir Officers
President Marsha Lindsay, Vice President Kathryn Powell, Past President Jim MacNeil, Secretary Christopher Porter, Treasurer Eleanor Newman
Sub-Committee Chairs & Portfolio-holders
Archivist Erma Seabrooke, Bulletin, Fund Raising Margot Green, Hospitality Pat Gillis, Membership Rachel Bushnell, Music Lesley Cruickshank, Producer Margot Green, Publicity Dorothy Crockett, Sing-outs Emily Gardner
Section Reps
Soprano Frances Gordon, Alto Denise Bowes, Tenor & Bass Laurens De Kleine
Wish to donate to the choir?